12 Data-Driven Pricing And Monetization

Strategies for B2B

12 data-driven best practices for subscription monetization from Michael Mansard, Principal Director Subscription Strategy & EMEA Chair of the Subscribed Institute at Zuora. Strategies include those adopted from successful B2C companies as well as new monetization strategies unique to B2B.

What you'll learn:

  • Successful monetization strategies from Spotify, Zoom, Atlassian, Fender Play, Slack, Apple, Airbus, and more
  • The importance of metric-based vs flat-fee pricing
  • Using automation to drive subscription growth
  • Monetizing an ecosystem to generate additional recurring revenue streams
  • Aligning with channel partners around a subscription model
  • How enabling subscription flexibility drives conversion, adoption, expansion, and retention
  • PLUS: A B2B Pricing and Monetization Quick Guide to getting started!

(Chapter excerpt from the new book, Industrial Subscription Economy, by Stephan Liozu.)


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