How Oracle to Postgres Migration Transforms Businesses:

3 Must-Read Success Stories

How Oracle to Postgres Migration Transforms Businesses 3 Must-Read Success Stories

The restrictions and drawbacks of legacy proprietary databases like Oracle have never been clearer—especially in contrast to the freedom and innovation offered by Postgres. As a result, more and more organizations are saying goodbye to Oracle and migrating to greener Postgres pastures—both enterprise and open source. Consistently, those who make this change find themselves with more flexibility, better control of their data and an enhanced ability to modernize. In this eBook, you’ll learn about the experience of three such businesses:

  • a remote telemetry leader that reduced licensing costs and accelerated customer experiences
  • a telecommunications business support provider that harnessed Postgres for agile and cost-efficient application modernization
  • an automotive repair juggernaut who underwent a major transformation project without the fear of vendor lock-in or excessive downtime

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