
Title: The Power of Self-Serve: How to Humanize the Self-Service Experience Through AI-powered Virtual Assistants

Date: Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Time: 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour

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    This presentation will begin on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 2:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time.

    Audience members may arrive 15 minutes in advance of this time.


    Consistently high call volumes and long wait times for frustrated customers create an overwhelming and stressful experience for your agents. Current self-service efforts often fall short, forcing customers to start over in a new channel and forcing agents to start from scratch to resolve the issue.

    Join our insightful webinar to discover the transformative potential of AI with intelligent virtual assistants in elevating both Customer Experience (CX) and Employee Experience (EX). In this engaging session, we'll unveil the strategies and technologies that can revolutionize your business. Here are three key takeaways you can expect:

    1. Synergizing CX and EX: Learn how prioritizing Employee Experience (EX) can be the key to delivering exceptional Customer Experience (CX). Discover how a happier workforce directly translates into satisfied customers and how U-Self Serve's AI-powered solutions play a pivotal role in achieving this synergy.
    2. Knowledge Discovery: See how to deflect repetitive, mundane calls and provide context on the issue - why the customer is calling to free up agents to focus on more complex/judgment-intensive cases.
    3. Contact Center Optimization: Explore the benefits of AI in contact centers. Uncover how AI-driven solutions can reduce agent stress, deflect calls, and substantially improve self-service rates. Discover real-world results, including a 63% reduction in calls, higher agent satisfaction, and improved overall customer satisfaction.

    Don't miss this opportunity to gain actionable insights and strategies that can help your organization achieve CX excellence while nurturing a thriving workforce. Join us and unlock the potential of AI-enhanced Self-serve strategies.


    Kimberlee West

    Director, Product Marketing


    Kimberlee leads a team helping to bridge the gap between humans and machines using voice, AI, and automation to ensure that every voice, on every call, is truly heard. With over 10 years of experience in B2B and B2C marketing, Kimberlee has a deep understanding of the importance of customer service and shares practical guidance on how companies can use technology to prioritize both customer and employee experience.

    Emily Stubbs

    Associate Director of Customer Service

    Pair Eyewear

    Emily Stubbs is the Associate Director of Customer Service at customizable glasses brand Pair Eyewear. Since 2020 she has helped grow the brand's customer experience team from just five representatives to 150 agents, implementing a tech stack that has improved Pair Eyewear's SLAs, customer interactions, and allowed the company's leadership to thrive and grow in the process.

    Brian Cantor

    Principal Analyst

    CCW Digital