Digital-first retail grows up

6 key themes from NRF 2023

Thank you for downloading: “Digital-first retail grows up”, an eBook presented by VMware and Intel. We hope you find the document useful and inspiring.

What unites NRF 2023 ideas is that they can cross the threshold from future to present through the power of distributed, connected data. With a multi-cloud strategy that supports edge computing and the burgeoning possibilities of VR, AI and machine learning, retailers can deliver better on long-standing business fundamentals and innovate new ways of creating customer engagement and value.

Want to find out more? Get in Touch! Your VMware and Intel contacts across the world

Ed Durbin

Senior Director – Retail Industry Solutions, VMware


Ryan Wehner

Industry Director Retail and Consumer Goods, EMEA, VMware


David Dobson

Industry Director Retail & Hospitality,, Intel Corporation


Marta Muszynska

EMEA Vertical Sales Specialist Retail & Hospitality, Intel Corporation


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