"Unlocking Real-Time Payments for SMBs and Corporates"

Tap into the potential of real-time payments for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and corporations. Discover insights and strategies on adoption rates, and opportunities for your credit union in this comprehensive report.

In the payments industry, the adoption of real-time payments has become a focal point for businesses, both within the small and medium-sized business (SMB) sector and among mid-to-large corporations. While data shows that 94% of businesses are gearing up to invest in new payment technologies in the next 2-3 years, there are also challenges faced by financial institutions in adapting to these changing demands.

Erika Baumann, Director of Datos Insights’ Commercial Banking & Payments practice, leveraged extensive data gathered from over 120 banks and surveys of more than a thousand businesses, to provide insight into this transformative trend.. 

Download this report for the survey results and to learn where your credit union can capitalize on opportunities.

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