2022 Attack Surface Threat Report

Know your threats and stay out of the headlines.

Attack Surfaces Are Growing. Can You Keep Up?

The global attack surface is a living thing that grows and changes constantly. Unfortunately, that means the work of security teams is never really done. No matter how good you are at fixing issues as they arise, there are always unknown assets to consider.

The Cortex® Xpanse™ research team studied the global attack surface by monitoring scans of 50 million IP addresses associated with 100+ global enterprises and discovered that the attack surfaces of all industries continue to grow.

As security teams struggle to keep up, the constant stream of new issues becomes an ever-expanding backlog of exposures – misconfigured RDP, exposed admin portals, insecure Apache Web servers or Microsoft Exchange servers, and more. They're the low-hanging fruit that attackers seek out.

What's the first preventative action you should take? Get the "2022 Cortex Xpanse Attack Surface Threat Report" to understand the cyberthreats and learn how automation can help security teams stop chasing a moving goal post and reduce cybersecurity risks.

Protect yourself with knowledge. Download the "2022 Cortex Xpanse Attack Surface Threat Report."

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