Author: wpAdmin
Confianza cero: cuatro formas de proteger mejor su lugar de trabajo híbrido
Confianza cero: cuatro formas de proteger mejor su lugar de trabajo híbrido La seguridad de la infraestructura de TI de su organización, ya sea presencial, remota o híbrida, es más crítica que nunca. Descubra cómo Windows 365, junto con la Confianza cero de Microsoft, puede ayudarlo a afrontar sus desafíos de seguridad y facilitar a sus…
The Cost of Inaction
The Cost of Inaction You know what resources you need to defend your organization against cyberthreats—but the board members and executive leaders who control your budget don’t all have your technical expertise and background. Read The Cost of Inaction: A CISO’s guide for getting boards of directors to invest in cybersecurity to learn how to…
How to Think Cloud Native
How to Think Cloud Native You’ll Learn About: Definitions of key cloud native terms How new DevOps roles fit into organizations What containers, clusters, and microservices are and why they matter New security mechanisms for securing cloud native operations Please fill in your information to download
Kubernetes on vSphere for Dummies
Kubernetes on vSphere for Dummies You’ll Learn About: Common Kubernetes Constructs Kubernetes on vSphere Explained Automate and Optimize Container Operations. Cloud Native Applications on vSphere. The Benefits of Kubernetes on vSphere Please fill in your information to download
Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas
Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas A medida que las expectativas de los compradores cambian, su proceso de ventas también debe evolucionar. Aprenda cómo empoderar a los vendedores para que cierren más acuerdos con mayor rapidez en el eBook Cinco formas en que la solución…
Top 5 Kubernetes Operations Challenges and How to Mitigate
Top 5 Kubernetes Operations Challenges and How to Mitigate According to The State of Kubernetes survey, 46% of the organizations are currently running Kubernetes across multiple clouds, which is a 10% increase from the 2021 survey. The rapid proliferation of Kubernetes clusters across disparate clouds exacerbates operational challenges. This white paper describes and provides steps…
Best Practices for Kubernetes Management
Best Practices for Kubernetes Management Cloud-based containerization has become a strategic imperative to unlock workload modernization, and Kubernetes plays a key role in that journey. For most, Kubernetes and containerization is the standard to boost business agility, especially when applied to multi-cloud deployments. However, rapid adoption has led to some unintended complexities across configurations, security,…
Three Reasons to Shift to Integrated Threat Protection
Three Reasons to Shift to Integrated Threat Protection Replacing your security tool stack may seem as daunting as the multiplying cyberthreats your business faces every day. But while cybercrime is growing in complexity, deploying an integrated approach to security can make defending against threats simpler. Give your organization increased protection by integrating extended detection and…
Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas
Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas A medida que las expectativas de los compradores cambian, su proceso de ventas también debe evolucionar. Aprenda cómo empoderar a los vendedores para que cierren más acuerdos con mayor rapidez en el eBook Cinco formas en que la solución…
Tenk nytt om frontlinjearbeid
Tenk nytt om frontlinjearbeid Hyppige utskiftninger i frontlinjen er ikke noe nytt. Og hvis ledere fortsetter med sine vante strategier for å beholde ansatte midt i en tid med økonomisk usikkerhet, vil arbeidstakernes misnøye fortsette å vokse – og det raskt. I 2022 sa nesten halvparten av amerikanske butikkmedarbeidere – og 63 prosent av frontlinjeledere…