Author: wpAdmin

  • Zero Trust (nulová důvěra): Čtyři způsoby, jak lépe zabezpečit hybridní pracoviště

    Zero Trust (nulová důvěra): Čtyři způsoby, jak lépe zabezpečit hybridní pracoviště Zabezpečení IT infrastruktury organizace, ať už interní, vzdálené, nebo hybridní, je dnes důležitější než kdy jindy. Zjistěte, jak Windows 365 spolu s modelem Zero Trust (nulové důvěry) od Microsoftu dokážou pomoct řešit problémy zabezpečení. Usnadní vám to zajišťování bezpečného, spolehlivého přístupu k potřebným nástrojům…

  • Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas

    Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas

    Cinco formas en que la solución de un vendedor conectado mejora el rendimiento de las ventas A medida que las expectativas de los compradores cambian, su proceso de ventas también debe evolucionar. Aprenda cómo empoderar a los vendedores para que cierren más acuerdos con mayor rapidez en el eBook Cinco formas en que la solución…

  • Guia essencial para trazer seu próprio computador

    Guia essencial para trazer seu próprio computador À medida que as organizações continuam a adotar ambientes de trabalho em constante mudança, a compreensão das expectativas e dos hábitos dos funcionários tornou-se muito mais importante nos dias atuais. Saiba como capacitar seus funcionários híbridos e manter a produtividade sem sobrecarregar seu departamento de TI neste e-book.…

  • Demystifying GemFire and its Features

    Demystifying GemFire and its Features

    Demystifying GemFire and its Features If you are looking for a database that is highly available, dynamically scalable — both horizontally and vertically and supports global data distribution, you won’t want to miss this talk as we dive into GemFire and its features. We will cover some of GemFire’s latest features and why they are…

  • Securing Cloud Applications

    Securing Cloud Applications

    Securing Cloud Applications Securing Cloud Applications is a hands-on guide for working developers. It minimizes the abstract and complex security theory, instead focusing on the practices you need to secure applications running on Kubernetes and the cloud. In it, you’ll learn how to take advantage of pre-built security services in your daily development. Author Adib…

  • Uudista kenttätyö

    Uudista kenttätyö Kenttätyöntekijöiden korkea vaihtuvuus ei ole mikään uusi ilmiö. Nykyisen taloudellisen epävarmuuden keskellä päätöksentekijät kuitenkin jatkavat edelleen vanhoja taktiikoitaan työntekijöiden säilyttämiseksi – ja henkilöstön tyytymättömyys on siksi nopeassa kasvussa. Vuonna 2022 lähes puolet Yhdysvaltain vähittäiskaupan työntekijöistä ja 63 prosenttia kenttätyön esihenkilöistä sanoi, että he harkitsevat työpaikan vaihtoa työtyytyväisyytensä parantamiseksi.1 Yritysjohtajien on priorisoitava työntekijöiden säilyttämistä…

  • 整合應用程式以提高安全性和節省成本

    整合應用程式以提高安全性和節省成本 使用 Microsoft 365 更輕鬆地管理您的應用程式和數位工具。在這本電子書中,了解如何系統地進行應用程式整合,以降低成本、提高安全性並提高生產力。了解管理應用程式為何如此重要,因為: 66% 的主管認為,更了解和控制數位應用程式是首要任務。 48% 的主管認為,員工生產力因使用中的應用程式和工具的數量和種類而受到影響。 立即索取电子书 隐私政策

  • Voices of the Vanguards: Our Guide to Measuring Software Delivery

    Voices of the Vanguards: Our Guide to Measuring Software Delivery

    Voices of the Vanguards: Measuring Software Delivery Through Metrics In fall 2022, Michael Cote, Senior Technical Staff, VMware Tanzu, led a live webinar discussion with three VMware Tanzu customers to get multiple perspectives on the topic Of Measuring Software Delivery Through Metrics. This guide is a recap of the panelists’ thoughts, experiences, challenges, ideas, and…

  • DevSecOps for Dummies

    DevSecOps for Dummies

    DevSecOps for Dummies Software has already taken the world by storm, and the DevOps movement helped make that happen. IT organizations today are shipping software faster than ever and using technologies—including containers and Kubernetes—that blur the lines between application development and operations. Even still, new technology and apps have a tendency to multiply security concerns.…

  • VMware Data Industry Series Talk #1: How to improve Manufacturing throughput & profitability?

    VMware Data Industry Series Talk #1: How to improve Manufacturing throughput & profitability?

    VMware Data Industry Series Talk #1: How to improve Manufacturing throughput & profitability? VMware Data Solutions Industry Series Talk #1 — Improving manufacturing throughput using VMware Data Solutions This webinar recording would help you understand how VMware Data Solutions* can help extract the best out of your automated processes in manufacturing, both on-site and at…

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