Author: wpAdmin
Optimize your workforce and lower your labor costs with a flexible approach to nurse staffing
Optimize your workforce and lower your labor costs with a flexible approach to nurse staffing Wednesday, September 27, 2023 12:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: About 94% of 100 health system executives surveyed described the severity of the nursing shortage in their health systems as “critical,” and part of…
MELHORES PRÁTICAS PARA STORYTELLING COM TABLEAU Você tem os dados, mas que história os dados contam? Junte-se a nós neste webinar e descubra como você pode usar o Tableau para contar uma história e impressionar a sua audiência. Tableau, uma empresa da Salesforce Preencha este formulário para assistir
DEZ MELHORES PRÁTICAS PARA CRIAR PAINÉIS EFICAZES Um painel bem feito é o ponto de partida para sua análise. De posse do mesmo conjunto poderoso de informações, sua empresa toma decisões com mais rapidez tendo como base uma única fonte confiável. Leia este whitepaper para entender as 10 melhores práticas para criar painéis eficazes! Tableau,…
Optimize your workforce and lower your labor costs with a flexible approach to nurse staffing
Optimize your workforce and lower your labor costs with a flexible approach to nurse staffing Wednesday, September 27, 2023 12:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: About 94% of 100 health system executives surveyed described the severity of the nursing shortage in their health systems as “critical,” and part of…
Building a New Nurse Safety Net: Programs to Help Improve Transition to Practice and Retention
Building a New Nurse Safety Net: Programs to Help Improve Transition to Practice and Retention Wednesday, September 27, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: The numbers speak for themselves: Some 33% of new nurses leave during their first year. The impact to hospitals? Some put the average cost…
Creating a Thriving Nursing Ecosystem
Creating a Thriving Nursing Ecosystem Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: With current staffing challenges, hospitals and health systems are devising new practice models to provide quality care while also creating safe and healthy working conditions for nurses—their largest workforce. Because of variables—resources, barriers, constraints—that…
Creating a Thriving Nursing Ecosystem
Creating a Thriving Nursing Ecosystem Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: With current staffing challenges, hospitals and health systems are devising new practice models to provide quality care while also creating safe and healthy working conditions for nurses—their largest workforce. Because of variables—resources, barriers, constraints—that…
Building a New Nurse Safety Net: Programs to Help Improve Transition to Practice and Retention
Building a New Nurse Safety Net: Programs to Help Improve Transition to Practice and Retention Wednesday, September 27, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: The numbers speak for themselves: Some 33% of new nurses leave during their first year. The impact to hospitals? Some put the average cost…
Optimize your workforce and lower your labor costs with a flexible approach to nurse staffing
Optimize your workforce and lower your labor costs with a flexible approach to nurse staffing Wednesday, September 27, 2023 12:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time 1 hour Presented by: Sponsored by: Overview: About 94% of 100 health system executives surveyed described the severity of the nursing shortage in their health systems as “critical,” and part of…
개방형 혁신으로 통신 부문 재구성
전자책 개방형 혁신으로 통신 부문 재구성 오늘날의 시장에서 차별화하고 경쟁하기 위해 필요한 민첩성과 유연성을 시스템과 프로세스에 도입하세요. 서비스 공급업체가 기술 역량과 기술 문화를 현대화하여 혁신적인 기능을 구현하고 오픈 하이브리드 클라우드 를 통해 성공을 거둘 수 있도록 Red Hat이 지원하는 방법에 대해 알아보 세요. 이 e-book에서는 5G 네트워크 구축과 수익화에 있어 오픈소스의 역할을 간략하게 설명합니다. 전자책…