Author: wpAdmin

  • 2023 State of the Corporate Law Department

    2023 State of the Corporate Law Department

    2023 State of the Corporate Law Department “Do more with less” has become a near eye-roll-inducing cliché among corporate law departments. Yet it also remains a daily reality for many corporate general counsel, and a frequent topic of conversation among in-house legal professionals. And it is, indeed, a very apropos conversation. Research from the Thomson…

  • Transform your sales team’s productivity with Slack

    Transform your sales team’s productivity with Slack Building a productive sales organisation is crucial to a business’s financial health. At the same time, today’s sales teams face challenges that are unprecedented in recent history. In fact 69% of sales professionals say that their job is harder than ever. To hit revenue goals, sales leaders need…

  • Overcome AI Roadblocks in Manufacturing: Find the Right Development Environment

    Overcome AI Roadblocks in Manufacturing: Find the Right Development Environment

    | | | RESOURCE | | | SOLUTION BRIEF Overcome AI Roadblocks in Manufacturing: Find the Right Development Environment As manufacturing organizations explore AI-fueled modernization opportunities, IT leaders are experimenting with different paths to support data scientists and developers who are building and training AI models. Some are investing in cloud instances and GPU-accelerated servers.…

  • The Status of Canadian Fundraising

    The Status of Canadian Fundraising Over the past year we’ve surveyed hundreds of professionals across the nonprofit and charitable giving space to get their perspectives on shifts in fundraising targets, organizational collaboration, and digital transformation in the social good space. In this report we’ll present our key findings for the Canadian sector impacting: Income and…

  • Choosing the right collaboration software

    Choosing the right collaboration software For companies trying to increase agility, better collaboration has become an urgent priority — a way to reduce the organisational drag that kills innovation and responsiveness. The best tools can help to increase your team’s agility and spur innovation. These eight questions will help IT leaders to find the perfect…

  • Giving Days Calendar

    Giving Days Calendar Cause awareness and giving days can be a great platform to launch a fundraising campaign or appeal from. We’ve added all the key giving days you need to know about, so you can make your asks at the right time and raise more for your cause. And because it’s digital and fully…

  • Fundraising in Canada: Donor Behaviour Insights 2023

    Fundraising in Canada: Donor Behaviour Insights 2023 Learn what drives Canadian donors As your campaigns for 2023 are coming to light, don’t miss our study in partnership with Nepa to learn about some of the key insights on Canadian donors, their behaviours and what they expect from nonprofits and charities. In this report you’ll have…

  • How to Choose a Fundraising CRM Solution

    How to Choose a Fundraising CRM Solution Making an investment in new technology is an exciting and big undertaking for any organization, and there are many elements to consider when selecting the right fundraising CRM solution for your non-profit. Download How to Choose a Fundraising CRM Solution – a practical, step-by-step guide that walks you…


    EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: L’ANTIDOTO ALLA VOLATILITÀ DEL BUSINESS La volatilità del mercato non è facile da prevedere, ma i suoi cambiamenti sono profondi. Molte aziende stanno percependone gli effetti, in particolare con l’abbandono degli agenti di call center. Mentre il self-service prende in carico le richieste più semplici dei clienti, gli agenti si concentrano sulle attività…


    VENDERE DI PIÙ CON L’ENGAGEMENT PREDITTIVO Sebbene il tuo sito web generi molto traffico, probabilmente stai perdendo alcune conversioni in vendite. Tuttavia, non è semplice identificare quali clienti abbandonano il sito, e perché. Ti serve un modo per coinvolgere proattivamente i clienti prima che lascino il tuo sito. Ed è qui che entra in gioco…

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