Author: wpAdmin

  • The Forester Wave™ Integrated Software Delivery Platforms Q2 2023

    The Forrester Wave™ Integrated Software Delivery Platforms Q2 2023 GitLab recognized as the only Leader in the category GitLab “has led the industry towards consolidated ISDPs… GitLab is great for enterprises wishing to consolidate their best-of-breed tool chain down to one, high-performing ISDP.” according to the Forrester report. Based on their 26 criteria evaluation, Forrester…

  • Guide to Software Supply Chain Security

    Guide to Software Supply Chain Security Learn the basics and start protecting your organization These days, software isn’t created in a silo, so you can’t secure it in a silo. Thinking about the security of the software you’re producing means thinking about everything from who has access to the source code to how attackers might…

  • The Forester Wave™ Integrated Software Delivery Platforms Q2 2023

    The Forrester Wave™ Integrated Software Delivery Platforms Q2 2023 GitLab recognized as the only Leader in the category GitLab “has led the industry towards consolidated ISDPs… GitLab is great for enterprises wishing to consolidate their best-of-breed tool chain down to one, high-performing ISDP.” according to the Forrester report. Based on their 26 criteria evaluation, Forrester…

  • Forrester The Total Economic Impact of GitLab’s Ultimate Plan

    Forrester The Total Economic Impact of GitLab’s Ultimate Plan Forrester Consulting Study: GitLab enabled 427% ROI The 2022 Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact ™️ of GitLab’s Ultimate Plan study commissioned by GitLab seeks to understand the value of using Gitlab’s Ultimate Plan to meet software development needs across the entire DevOps lifecycle. Prior to the…

  • 2023 Global DevSecOps Report: Productivity & Efficiency Within Reach

    2023 Global DevSecOps Report: Productivity & Efficiency Within Reach Productivity and efficiency on your mind (or roadmap)? According to our survey, you’re not alone. Nearly half of respondents told us they are planning DevOps process optimizations to improve productivity and efficiency this year. In the second installment of our 2023 Global DevSecOps Report Series, we…


    Comment Passer Au Devsecops Avec Gitlab CI/CD Étant donné que DevOps est un domaine en plein essor, de nombreuses personnes ne font que se lancer. Et avec les technologies, les pratiques et même une culture connexes à comprendre, le démarage peut sembler un peu intimidant. Dans cet eBook, nous vous présentons des infomations pratiques pour…

  • Guide de démarrage DevOps

    DevSecOps intègre les contrôles de sécuité et les meilleures pratiques dans le Flux de travail DevOps via des pipelines CI/CD. Tests de sécuité automatisés intégré au workflow du développeur va être essentiel pour les équipes déplacement vers la gauche. GitLab CI/CD pemet de véitables DevSecOps et aide les équipes identifier les bugs et détecter les…

  • A Field Guide to Threat Vectors in the Software Supply Chain

    A Field Guide to Threat Vectors in the Software Supply Chain Is your organization equipped to identify and remediate each type of threat? Software isn’t developed in a vacuum. An entire ecosystem of components — the software supply chain — is involved in building, testing, and delivering a piece of software. Explore each step in…

  • A Field Guide to Threat Vectors in the Software Supply Chain

    A beginner’s guide to GitOps Infrastructure automation using DevOps best practices As software applications become more sophisticated, the demands on infrastructure increase. Teams need to support complex deployments at immense scale and speed. GitOps is an operational framework that takes DevOps best practices used for application development such as version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD,…

  • GigaOm Radar for Cloud Observability, 2023

    Research GigaOm Radar for Cloud Observability, 2023 In 2021, GigaOm released their first report, evaluating vendors and products in the observability space. According to the report, Splunk earned the only ‘Outperformer’ ranking on the list for “massive scalability, sophisticated in-stream analytics and native OpenTelemetry support.” Now in its third year, the report again ranks Splunk…

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