Category: Uncategorized
The ROI Of Streamlined Contractor Qualification
The ROI Of Streamlined Contractor Qualification When an organization’s compliance function is effective, its success is often measured by what didn’t happen. These include lawsuits, damage to reputation, lost business, legal sanctions, and so on. The absence of any compliance-related incident often makes management complacent about compliance. As a result, companies sometimes reallocate the function’s…
3 ways to expand technology services and still cut costs
3 ways to expand technology services and still cut costs Organisations that modernise their IT service operations can expect to resolve major IT outages 25% more efficiently and increase IT service agent productivity by 30%. Read this guide to see how you can enable business growth by eliminating silos, streamlining processes and creating a solid,…
A guide to streamline manufacturing sales and service operations
A guide to streamline manufacturing sales and service operations How can manufacturers meet constantly evolving customer expectations for speed, convenience and innovative services? Read this ebook to learn how you can streamline and automate commercial operations across your entire sales and service cycle, with a single platform. And explore how to drive increased service revenue…
Empowering CIOs to Lead : An interactive guide to tackling technology challenges across the business
Empowering CIOs to Lead Is your organisation aligned to pivot fast when change hits? Explore the CIO guide to tackling technology challenges across the business and see how a unified platform helps your entire organisation align and to quickly pivot in times of change while driving innovation and minimising costs.
A guide to streamline manufacturing sales and service operations
A guide to streamline manufacturing sales and service operations How can manufacturers meet constantly evolving customer expectations for speed, convenience and innovative services? Read this ebook to learn how you can streamline and automate commercial operations across your entire sales and service cycle, with a single platform. And explore how to drive increased service revenue…
Empowering CIOs to Lead : An interactive guide to tackling technology challenges across the business
Empowering CIOs to Lead Is your organisation aligned to pivot fast when change hits? Explore the CIO guide to tackling technology challenges across the business and see how a unified platform helps your entire organisation align and to quickly pivot in times of change while driving innovation and minimising costs.
3 ways to expand technology services and still cut costs
3 ways to expand technology services and still cut costs Organisations that modernise their IT service operations can expect to resolve major IT outages 25% more efficiently and increase IT service agent productivity by 30%. Read this guide to see how you can enable business growth by eliminating silos, streamlining processes and creating a solid,…
6 Schritte zu einer besseren Sicherheitslage durch Automatisierung
6 Schritte zu einer besseren Sicherheitslage durch Automatisierung Angesichts der stetig steigenden Anzahl von Cyberangriffen und den damit verbundenen Kosten müssen Sie die Sicherheit für Ihr Unternehmen maximieren. Aber wie schaffen Sie das, ohne dass Innovation und Veränderung zu kurz kommen? Indem Sie Ihren Sicherheitsbetrieb – sowie das Risiko- und IT-Asset-Management – auf einer zentralen Plattform orchestrieren.…
3 key steps to transform IT in banking at scale and speed
3 key steps to transform IT in banking at scale and speed Unlock digital-first success in banking with our concise guide. Address IT gaps—only 13% of financial firms have half their IT in the cloud. Discover why 1,500+ institutions trust ServiceNow for rapid digitalization, cloud migration, and audit readiness. Discover solutions to today’s most pressing…
ITSM und ITOM zusammenführen mit ITIL 4
ITSM und ITOM zusammenführen mit ITIL 4 Es herrscht anhaltende Verwirrung hinsichtlich der Beziehung zwischen dem IT-Service-Management (ITSM) und dem IT-Betriebsmanagement (ITOM). Wenn nun auch noch die ITIL-Standards hinzukommen, kann dies für noch mehr Isolation sorgen. Wenn jeder Bereich unterschiedliche, in verschiedenen ITIL-Versionen enthaltene Leitlinien befolgt, wird der tägliche Betrieb, der ohnehin schon schlecht vernetzt…