Category: Uncategorized

  • Développer ou acheter ? Faire le bon choix en matière d’identités clients

    Développer ou acheter ? Faire le bon choix en matière d’identités clients Vos meilleurs développeurs passent-ils leur temps à concevoir et à gérer des systèmes d’authentification et de gestion des identités au lieu de se consacrer au développement d’applications essentielles liées à votre cœur de métier ? Vos calendriers de lancement ont-ils déjà été mis…

  • L’identité client pour les nuls

    L’identité client pour les nuls À l’ère numérique, les clients attendent une expérience qui allie rapidité, sécurité et confort à chaque étape. Et une solution d’identité client moderne est le ciment qui en assure la cohésion. Mais quels sont les atouts de l’identité client ? Pourquoi est-elle critique dans l’établissement de relations de confiance ?…

  • 一起保護資料

    一起保護資料 保護敏感資料非常重要。解決方案的一部分是確保貴組織的每個人都知道自己可以做什麼事來保障資料的安全。在整個組織分享《一起保護資料》,以協助員工: 了解在不斷變化的威脅形勢中,保護資料何以勢在必行。 透過真實範例來了解資料如何避開控制。 了解資料標記和分類的最佳做法,以確保資料有受到保護。 避免裝置容易受攻擊的情境。 協助符合您所在產業的合規性要求。 立即索取电子书 隐私政策

  • Delivering on the potential of application optimization

    Delivering on the potential of application optimization As IT expands, it becomes more critical for your customers’ success. Applications are becoming more powerful, adaptable and complex – requiring comprehensive optimization strategies. In its latest eBook “Delivering on the potential of application optimization”, Dynatrace addresses the key benefits and industry challenges, focusing on improving end-user experience…

  • The B2B Marketer’s Playbook

    The B2B Marketer’s Playbook Unlock the true potential of your Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) with a strategic approach that embraces cutting-edge technology and organizational excellence. This guide reveals how to transform your MAP from an underutilized tool into a powerhouse of hyper-personalized messaging and revenue generation. Learn how to overcome common obstacles and harness your…

  • Thank You-Bring AI to Your Data at the Edge

    Thank you! Here’s the video “Bring AI to Your Data at the Edge“:

  • Voice of SecOps: AI in Cybersecurity: Friend or Foe?

    Voice of SecOps: AI in Cybersecurity: Friend or Foe?

    Voice of SecOps: AI in Cybersecurity: Friend or Foe? Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how we do business. It’s simplifying processes, powering innovation, and impacting organizational structures. While AI has its benefits in transforming business, the technology has also transformed how bad actors conduct their own business. They, too, are simplifying processes, powering malware innovation,…

  • WeTransfer Case Study: Enhanced Cloud-Based Security with Deep Instinct

    WeTransfer Case Study: Enhanced Cloud-Based Security with Deep Instinct

    WeTransfer Case Study: Enhanced Cloud-Based Security with Deep Instinct WeTransfer, a global cloud-based file-sharing and collaboration company based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, provides a web-based platform where users can upload and share files, eliminating the need for email attachments or complex file-transfer methods. WeTransfer sought to find an additional layer of preventative security to reinforce its…

  • The Evolution of AI in Cybersecurity: Breaking the Cycle of Reactionary Cybersecurity

    The Evolution of AI in Cybersecurity: Breaking the Cycle of Reactionary Cybersecurity

    The Evolution of AI in Cybersecurity: Breaking the Cycle of Reactionary Cybersecurity In this paper, we will examine how anti-malware solutions have evolved over the years to respond to the changing threat landscape, and why even with significant investments in tools, we are too reactive, and attacks are still succeeding too often. We will address…

  • AI-Driven Cyberstorage Protecting Organization’s Most Valuable Assets

    AI-Driven Cyberstorage Protecting Organization’s Most Valuable Assets

    AI-Driven Cyberstorage Protecting Organization’s Most Valuable Assets Data is the lifeblood of the modern enterprise. A data breach – whether through ransomware, a zero-day, or other malware attacks – can be catastrophic. Safeguarding these repositories – whether they’re in Network Attached Storage (NAS), hybrid, or public cloud environments – against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats is…

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