Category: Uncategorized

  • The ROI of digital transformation for frontline employees

    The ROI of digital transformation for frontline employees Frontline workers typically lack access to digital tools and solutions, unlike their office counterparts. But this workforce is excited about the opportunities created by technology and should not be left behind on your digital transformation roadmap. Learn how technology for your frontline workers could result in a…

  • Elevate Experiences for Frontline Workers

    Elevate Experiences for Frontline Workers Frontline workers must often rely on outdated digital tools, manual processes, fragmented communications and information silos. In the eBook Elevate Digital Experiences for Frontline Workers, you’ll: Learn that most frontline workers are already sold on the benefits of digital transformation – 63% are excited about the opportunities that technology creates.1…

  • Protect your frontline workers and your organisation with a streamlined security solution

    Protect your frontline workers and your organisation with a streamlined security solution Frontline workers operate in demanding environments that require secure access to multiple devices and applications. Without a strong security posture, these devices risk exposure to cyberthreats that place increased pressure on IT teams and could cause lasting harm to the organisation. In the…

  • Make Consumers Feel Seen with Personalized Experiences

    Make Consumers Feel Seen with Personalized Experiences Individual customers deserve individualized experiences from the brands they engage with—but plenty of today’s consumers aren’t seeing the promise of personalization pay off for them. The tools and tactics needed to make it happen are out there, but finding ways to use them effectively takes thought and care.…

  • Der Weg zu KI

    Der Weg zu KI Generative KI hat das Potenzial zur Transformation der Cybersicherheit, indem sie Verteidiger in die Lage versetzt, innerhalb von Minuten statt Stunden oder Tagen auf Vorfälle zu reagieren. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Bedrohungserkennung optimieren und Ihr Unternehmen auf KI-Sicherheitstools mit integrierten Funktionen für Extended Detection and Response (XDR) und Security Information…

  • Ölçekte Modern Analitik ve Yönetim

    Ölçekte Modern Analitik ve Yönetim

    Ölçekte Modern Analitik ve Yönetim Veri ağı, veri dokusu ve veri merkezi çerçevelerinin temel öğelerini kullanan uçtan uca analitik ekosistemi oluşturmak yönelik basitleştirilmiş bir yaklaşımı keşfedin. Microsoft tarafından yirmi yılı aşkın bir süredir geliştirilen en iyi uygulamaları keşfetmek ve ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılamak için esnek olan uygulama aşamalarını görmek için bu Microsoft teknik makalesini indirin. Şunları yapmayı…

  • Der Preis der Untätigkeit

    Der Preis der Untätigkeit Sie wissen, welche Ressourcen nötig sind, um Ihr Unternehmen gegen Cyberbedrohungen zu verteidigen – doch die Mitglieder der Geschäftsleitung, die über Ihr Budget entscheiden, verfügen nicht unbedingt über dasselbe technische Know-how. In unserem E-Book Der Preis der Untätigkeit: Ein Leitfaden für CISOs, um die Führungsebene von Investitionen in Cybersicherheit zu überzeugen…

  • Daten gemeinsam schützen

    Daten gemeinsam schützen Der Schutz Ihrer sensiblen Daten ist unerlässlich. Ein Teil der Lösung besteht darin, sicherzustellen, dass alle in Ihrem Unternehmen wissen, wie sie zur Sicherheit beitragen können. Verbreiten Sie das E-Book Daten gemeinsam schützen in Ihrem Unternehmen, damit Mitarbeitende: verstehen, warum der Schutz von Daten in einer sich wandelnden Bedrohungslandschaft unerlässlich ist, anhand…

  • Rekabette öne geçin ve Azure Yapay Zeka araçlarıyla akıllı uygulamalar oluşturun

    Rekabette öne geçin ve Azure Yapay Zeka araçlarıyla akıllı uygulamalar oluşturun Müşteri deneyimlerini geliştiren ve kurum büyümesini hızlandıran bulutta yerel uygulamalar oluşturmak için Azure Yapay Zeka araçlarını kullanmanın yollarını keşfedin. Dört kurumun müşteri memnuniyetini artırmak, anında iş sonuçları elde etmek ve uzun vadede başarı elde etmek için Azure Yapay Zeka’yı nasıl kullandığını okumak için Müşterileri…

  • A Blueprint for Transformation: Deploying digital tools for your frontline workers

    A Blueprint for Transformation: Deploying digital tools for your frontline workers When frontline workers are empowered with the right tools, they can get to the business of supporting the business. Read the eBook, A Blueprint for Transformation: Deploying digital tools for your frontline workers, to get expert guidance on how to deploy Microsoft Teams at scale…

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