Category: Uncategorized

  • Obtenha uma perspectiva global das tendências de automação do SecOps.

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} As últimas tendências sobre como as operações de segurança estão implantando a automação. Aproximadamente 53% dos participantes citaram a defesa de uma superfície de ataque crescente e mutável como seu maior desafio, indicando uma necessidade contínua de automação. Como os SOCs enfrentam ameaças cada vez maiores, a sobrecarga de dados e…

  • A Comprehensive Guide to the 2023 MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluations

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Your Key to the 2023 MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluations In the latest round of MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® evaluations, 29 industry-leading vendors faced off against the sophisticated tactics, techniques and procedures of the Russian-based threat group Turla. The MITRE ATT&CK Evaluations offer unbiased and invaluable insights into each participating vendor’s performance. The…

  • XDR für Dummies

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Holen Sie Sich den Leitfaden und erfahren Sie mehr über XDR Laden Sie unser E-Book herunter, um ein fundiertes Wissen rund um XDR zu erlangen. Folgende Themen werden angesprochen: Der aktuelle Stand von Bedrohungserkennung und -abwehr Was XDR ist – und was nicht 10 unverzichtbare XDR-Funktionen Wie XDR den Angriffsverlauf stoppen…

  • Reduza o caos.

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} 5 etapas essenciais para a transformação do SOC Hoje em dia, os centros de operações de segurança enfrentam um bombardeio de “mais”. Mais ataques. Mais agentes de ameaças. Mais dispositivos e dados. Mais ferramentas de segurança. Mais regulamentos. Mais áreas de foco especializadas. Mais silos. Com as mudanças em ritmo acelerado…

  • Erneut ein Leader

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Unterstützung Ihrer SOC-Transformation mit bahnbrechenden Innovationen für Endpunktschutz und SecOps Aufgrund der extrem dynamischen Bedrohungslandschaft sind Organisationen schwerwiegenden Cybersicherheitsrisiken ausgesetzt, die sich nur mit kontinuierlicher Überwachung und hochmodernen Lösungen verwalten lassen.Genau dieser Anforderung kommt Palo Alto Networks mit Cortex XDR®, einer einheitlichen Plattform für den Endpunktschutz, nach und bietet Kunden so…

  • Não imagine o futuro. Implante-o.

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Inteligéncia artificial: o futuro do SOC A cibersegurança tem um problema de remediação de ameaças. A proliferação de aplicativos, cargas de trabalho, microsserviços e usuários está ampliando rapidamente a superfície de ataque digital. Ela está gerando volumes enormes de dados com mais rapidez do que você é capaz de detectar e…

  • Empower AI and Real-Time Insights at the Edge

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Modernize with Windows Server 2022. The cloud-ready operating system that boosts on-premises investments with hybrid-capabilities. Empower AI and Real-Time Insights at the Edge Empower AI and Real-Time Insights at the Edge is valuable infographic from Dell Technologies and Microsoft. With edge computing, data can be processed and analyzed closer to where…

  • Dell NativeEdge: Optimize Your Edge Investment

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Modernize with Windows Server 2022. The cloud-ready operating system that boosts on-premises investments with hybrid-capabilities. Dell NativeEdge: Optimize Your Edge Investment Dell NativeEdge is an edge operations software platform that helps organizations simplify operations, optimize their investment and secure their edge estate. Run business critical workloads in Azure, on-premises and at…

  • Giving Data Centers a Clear Roadmap to IT Sustainability

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Modernize with Windows Server 2022. The cloud-ready operating system that boosts on-premises investments with hybrid-capabilities. Giving Data Centers a Clear Roadmap to IT Sustainability Giving Data Centers a Clear Roadmap to IT Sustainability is an informative solution brief from Dell Technologies and Microsoft. Dell Technologies and Microsoft have a history of…

  • Protect Data Across Hybrid Cloud Environments with Windows Server 2022 (updated)

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Modernize with Windows Server 2022. The cloud-ready operating system that boosts on-premises investments with hybrid-capabilities. Protect Data Across Hybrid Cloud Environments with Windows Server 2022 Protect Data Across Hybrid Cloud Environments with Windows Server 2022 is a new solution brief from Dell Technologies and Microsoft. Upgrading to Windows Server 2022 is…

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