Author: Marketing User

  • Delivering on the potential of application optimization

    Delivering on the potential of application optimization As IT expands, it becomes more critical for your customers’ success. Applications are becoming more powerful, adaptable and complex – requiring comprehensive optimization strategies. In its latest eBook “Delivering on the potential of application optimization”, Dynatrace addresses the key benefits and industry challenges, focusing on improving end-user experience…

  • Unify Your Security Strategy with XDR

    Your Roadmap to a Unified Security Approach By year-end 2028, XDR will be deployed in 30% of end-user organizations to reduce the number of security vendors they have in place, up from less than 5% today. Extended detection and response is an evolving technology that promises to deliver a more unified and efficient approach to…

  • Avec Cortex XDR, Palo Alto Networks se classe Leader du rapport Gartner®.

    Découvrez les atouts de Palo Alto Networks et les pièges à éviter Face à des menaces en perpétuelle mutation, seul un investissement constant dans des technologies innovantes peut permettre de stopper les attaques en quasi-temps réel. C’est là que Palo Alto Networks entre en jeu avec Cortex XDR®, une plateforme complète et unifiée pour la…

  • Évaluations MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK 2023 : le guide complet

    Décryptage des évaluations MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK 2023 Pour cette nouvelle phase des évaluations MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK®, 29 fournisseurs leaders ont été confrontés aux tactiques, techniques et procédures (TTP) du groupe cybercriminel russe, Turla. Les évaluations MITRE ATT&CK dressent un bilan impartial et complet des performances de chaque participant. Les résultats établissent un point de référence…

  • Le XDR pour Ies nuls

    Le guide incontournable pour booster vos connaissances du XDR Téléchargez cet eBook pour devenir incollable sur tout ce qui touche au XDR. Au sommaire : État des lieux de la détection et de la réponse Définition du concept de XDR 10 fonctionnalités XDR indispensables Atouts du XDR pour briser le cycle d’attaque Cas d’usages types…

  • Attack Surface Management Buyer’s Guide

    Approach ASM with a Plan Attack surface management (ASM) solutions are used by organizations to discover, analyze, categorize and manage externally facing assets. By doing so, security teams gain an outside-in view of their assets, emulating an attacker’s perspective of the organization’s attack surface. This can help security teams identify any vulnerable, exposed assets that…

  • 5 Strategies for Greater Agility, Diversity, and Reach at the Network Edge

    5 Strategies for Greater Agility, Diversity, and Reach at the Network Edge 5 Strategies for Wireless WANs In an era where digital transformation is pivotal, our report reveals how 5G wireless Internet is not just a connectivity solution but a critical enabler of efficient public service delivery. With 78% of IT decision-makers in the global…


    HOW LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS ARE MODERNIZING CONNECTIVITY AND BUILDING SMART CAMPUSES Modernize Campus Connectivity Report In an age of rapid technological evolution, higher education institutions are leveraging advanced connectivity to create smart campuses and improve educational outcomes. This report explores the strategies and technologies, including 5G and IoT, that distinguish leading campuses. It highlights…


    5 STEPS TO MODERNIZE PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONNECTIVITY WITH 5G 5 Steps To Modernize Public Safety With 5G (Aberdeen) In the age of technological advancement, the push towards smart cities is more than a trend—it’s a necessity. Learn how reliable, scalable network connectivity not only enhances public safety but sets the foundation for future innovations.…

  • Hype Cycle for Private Mobile Network Services, 2024

    Hype Cycle for Private Mobile Network Services, 2024 Gartner – Hype Cycle for Private Mobile Network Services To harness the full potential of private mobile network (PMN) services, communication service providers (CSPs) must pivot towards integrating cutting-edge technologies like edge computing and AI. Gartner’s latest analysis reveals that such integration not only boosts organizational outcomes…

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