Author: Shruti Dhar

  • Leitfaden für SIEM-Käufer

    Research GUIDE Leitfaden für SIEM-Käufer Eine datengesteuerte, moderne SIEM-Lösung (Security Information and Event Management) verhilft Ihrem Unternehmen zu mehr Cyber sicherheit, Resilienz und Innovations kraft über sämtliche Cloud-, Multi-Cloud- und Hybrid-Umgebungen hinweg. Laden Sie den Leitfaden für SIEM-Käufer herunter und entdecken Sie, was die richtige SIEM-Lösung für Sie leisten kann: Volle Transparenz in all Ihren…

  • Service Resilience: The Next Step After Observability?

    Research Service Resilience: The Next Step After Observability? Have you implemented an Observability strategy and now wonder what’s next? If you have an Observability strategy in place, you’re off to a good start. You can understand and troubleshoot your infrastructure, applications, and clouds more comprehensively. But what’s the next step? How do you develop your…

  • Quicker, Simpler, and Better IT Support

    Quicker, Simpler, and Better IT Support How to deliver efficient IT support in the Everywhere Workplace for improved employee experience and productivity. Everywhere Work has enabled rapid growth for organizations. But rapid growth means increasingly complex environments for IT and security professionals to manage. Expectations for service have never been higher, adding to the pressure…

  • Seamless and Uninterrupted User Experience

    Seamless and Uninterrupted User Experience How to manage ever-growing support requests efficiently and at scale with automation and AI While Everywhere Work has enabled organizations to rapidly grow, it’s also increased complexity within the IT environment. Your IT team is likely struggling to keep up with the volume of incoming tickets. Manual processes and inefficient…

  • Seamless and Uninterrupted User Experience

    Seamless and Uninterrupted User Experience How to manage ever-growing support requests efficiently and at scale with automation and AI While Everywhere Work has enabled organizations to rapidly grow, it’s also increased complexity within the IT environment. Your IT team is likely struggling to keep up with the volume of incoming tickets. Manual processes and inefficient…


    IA : OPTIMISEZ L’EFFICACITÉ DE VOS ÉQUIPES CX Une entreprise qui réussit est d’abord une entreprise qui répond aux besoins et attentes de ses clients. Et pour tenir cet engagement à chaque interaction, il vous faut une équipe d’exception. Misez sur une solution WEM (Workforce Engagement Management) qui place l’IA au service de vos agents…

  • Quicker, Simpler, and Better IT Support

    Quicker, Simpler, and Better IT Support How to deliver efficient IT support in the Everywhere Workplace for improved employee experience and productivity. Everywhere Work has enabled rapid growth for organizations. But rapid growth means increasingly complex environments for IT and security professionals to manage. Expectations for service have never been higher, adding to the pressure…