Category: Uncategorized

  • From Chaos to Control: A Platform Approach to Automation

    From Chaos to Control: A Platform Approach to Automation

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} From Chaos to Control: A Platform Approach to Automation Looking for a centralized control and visibility to optimize TCO and automation initiatives? This webinar explores the evolution of workload automation, emphasizing the need for seamless orchestration across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Please complete the form to access/download the content {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks…

  • Data Orchestration: How to Create Agile and Efficient Data Pipelines

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Data Orchestration: How to Create Agile and Efficient Data Pipelines Even if companies manage to analyze their data, many do so inaccurately or incompletely. This could result from datasets not being fully transferred, insights where the analysis was run too early, or even missing quality checks. Discover how you can achieve…

  • From Chaos to Control: A Platform Approach to Automation

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} From Chaos to Control: A Platform Approach to Automation Looking for a centralized control and visibility to optimize TCO and automation initiatives? This webinar explores the evolution of workload automation, emphasizing the need for seamless orchestration across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Please complete the form to access/download the content {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks…

  • Reinventing Backup and Recovery With AI and ML

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Reinventing Backup and Recovery With AI and ML To gain insight into these AI and ML trends, TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group surveyed 375 IT and data professionals familiar with and/or responsible for data protection (including backup and recovery) decisions and data science for their organization. Read this exclusive ESG and Veeam…

  • Ecommerce Insights to guide your business growth. Discover how 875M+ people shop.

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Ecommerce Insights to guide your business growth. Discover how 875M+ people shop. Get access to the data and insights shaping ecommerce and how the biggest brands are driving growth. The Ecommerce Growth Report: EMEA Edition explores ecommerce trends using insights from over 875 million shoppers across Shopify’s platform. Focusing on the…

  • Går du miste om affärer för att din webbutik är för långsam?

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Går du miste om affärer för att din webbutik är för långsam? Så jämför du hastigheten – hämta vår guide Hastigheten spelar stor roll. Shopifys analys av data, forskning och tester visar att så lite som några millisekunder kan öka konverteringen och sänka avvisningsfrekvensen. Data visar också att i jämförelse med…

  • Is your site speed costing you sales?

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Is your site speed costing you sales? Site speed matters. Through analysis of their data, research, and experiments, Shopify found that even milliseconds can boost conversion and lower bounce rate. The data also shows that in comparison to Centra, Shopify site speed is 1.3X faster and server speed 2.0X faster, on…

  • The definitive guide to modern B2B ecommerce

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} The definitive guide to modern B2B ecommerce How to build exceptional buying experiences for the new B2B landscape The B2B buying landscape is evolving rapidly, with millennials poised to make up 70% of buyers by 2025. This demographic shift demands tailored, self-serve experiences that create an intuitive and satisfying buying journey.…

  • Want to enhance your checkout without migrating?

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Commerce moves faster on Shopify Check your site speed is up to scratch for the peak season shopping period. Milliseconds could cost you millions. Through analysis of their data, research, and experiments, Shopify has found that even a half-second improvement in site speed can increase your conversion rate. Shopify has the…

  • Streamlining Global Logistics: The Shift to Modern TMS

    {{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} Research Streamlining Global Logistics: The Shift to Modern TMS Today’s global supply chains are more complex than ever. Businesses face mounting pressure from fluctuating logistics costs, capacity challenges, and an increasing need for end-to-end logistics visibility. Get critical insights to help navigate the complexities of today’s logistics landscape and minimize disruptions…

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